For the past year, Model United Nations has become something that I do whilst taking pleasure. Doing researches, writing documents and speeches, debating on what I represent were things that connected me more and more with MUN. Besides, I have made mature and advanced friendships in conferences that has lasted until this day strongly. All of the things that I have gotten from MUN made me more aware, since I was put in the situation of learning something that maybe I had not even thought of until this day. It enriched me in the aspects of world such as history, politics, economics, culture, race, gender, and many things that maybe do not come to mind in a very diplomatic way. With all of the things that I gained, even my decisions on career and school have changed.
Speaking of something that effects your life in such ways makes you realize how fortunate you are to be in this position. I always support anyone and everyone who consider putting MUN in their experiences because somewhat, it teaches you leadership, it shows you people of all kinds –university, high school students, people who have a job, ambassadors etc.- most importantly provides you with the current profiles of countries, world leaders, major ideas. Along with all stated before, you are able to decide, think and judge the world and events as they come.
Upon all my support for MUN, after 9 awarded conferences as a delegate, I was given the honor of being a committee director. Being a committee director was better than I had ever imagined. To talk about my first experience as a committee director in Nesibe Aydın Model United Nations in Ankara, the majority of the delegates were beginners, thus making them in need for a constant guidance. My position included presenting the topic, managing the debate and following the procedure while making the delegates as comfortable as possible. Thankfully there were no major crises or problems during the debates, yet the guidance goes as far it can, hence the resolution that the beginner delegates came up with was a beginner quality also. Which wasn’t a problem since the topic was a humanitarian matter. A part from all the most enjoyable part was joining the secretariat meetings, where we discussed the general situation of the committee and delegates.
In the four days of the conference I had the time to see how it felt like being on the other side of the table. Also I have to say that after chairing, I took notes for myself on how being a better delegate would be in a committee director’s eyes. To conclude, MUN in general and this conference where I got the chance to direct in particular has given me unimaginable amount of qualities that I use in my personal and academic life. As from now on I feel the necessity to specify that I really do look forward to pursue my MUN career as far as I am able to. Having the opportunity and being in a school with such support of an amazing activity puts me in a grateful situation.
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